Arc Fault Fire Prevention

About Arc Fault Protection

What’s an arc fault?

An Arc Fault is a fire hazard that occurs when there is a loose or deteriorating connection in the electrical system as two conductive parts become slightly separated. This causes a flash of heat as the electricity arcs across the loose connection. This can produce sparks and heat that can lead to fires

Benefit of an arc fault breaker?

These fire prevention type breakers have been required since 2008. Unlike the old style overload breaker, arc fault breakers have the ability to detect loose connection or age related arc faults in the system and shut down power to the arcing connection before it has the time to start a fire.

Do I need them?

If your home was built before 1970 and is still relying on the original wiring and the old style breakers, there’s a good chance there are arc faults happening in your home right now and given enough time without attention, they can lead to a house fire

Arc Fault Protection Options

Arc Fault Breakers Only

If your electrical breaker panel is relatively new and in good condition, but you have pre-2008 overload only style breakers, an upgrade to fire prevention arc fault breakers will provide protection against arc fault fire hazards and provide you with the peace of mind you desire.

Arc Fault Panel Upgrade

If your breaker panel and electrical service equipment are outdated, you may be in a high risk situation. Plan on upgrading the breakers, the box, the service lines and the grounding system in order to ensure that the home is equipped with todays latest technology in fire prevention


Fire Safety Inspection


New Electrical Wiring